The Have Your Say consortium met on 26-27 January 2022 in San Cristobal de la Laguna (Tenerife) for project management and coordination. Most important topics where a review of the work done for the Easy Book on the EU, and planning of the staff training event that was going to take place in Brussels 5 months later, June 2022.

CEPA San Cristóbal hosted us in the municipal conference centre, but on Day 2 we had also the opportunity to visit the school itself and get insight into its very manifold work in adult education, offering both basic skills and VET, for examples for nursing assistants.

We tested the game "Legislativity" available from Europahaus Stuttgart, with playing materials quickly translated to English by VHS Hannover for this event. We tested the game "Legislativity" available from Europahaus Stuttgart, with playing materials quickly translated to English by VHS Hannover for this event.


Planning the staff training event.Planning the staff training event.